Thank you Rumbai Camp. Thank you for friends who have opened their hearts, homes, and kitchens to us. Thank you for sympathy, guidance and understanding. Thank you for loving my children and treating them as your own. Thank you for random advice that turns out to be exactly what we need. Thank you for a school and a staff that is unparalleled in their excitement and pleasure in teaching and learning together. Thank you for jungle walks. Thank you for the musang in my attic. (More or less. Better than a snake.) Thank you for parties and stories that will last a lifetime. Thank you for shaving your mustaches. Thank you for gibbons singing in the trees. Thank you for baby kitties that are loved and nurtured and adopted. Thank you for days of rain and gorgeous sunsets. Thank you for batik and fabric shops. Thank you for rainbows. Thank you for the freedom to not know where my kid is and be ok with that. Thank you for coconut. Thank you for Pete and his Rock and Roll friends. Thank you for back patios. Thank you for black langur, slinky monkeys. Thank you for $80, 10 pound turkeys imported from America. Thank you to Ibu Lena who just fried up some plantains, coated them in coconut and brought me a snack because I'm too thin. (Bless her sweet heart.) Thank you for constant kindness and enthusiasm. Thank you for a continuing adventure.
The Band, which is likely to have an unprintable name as the rights were auctioned off to the bawdiest guy I know. Can't wait.
The most dramatically lovely rainbow ever!
Peterovich Tsaryenko Nesterov, or Pete Nester before he shaved the 'stache. That hairy article was auctioned off for charity and men's health and my lips are grateful.
Shopping at a fabric store can turn into a three ring circus. Made some new friends.
Bunch of little turkeys
Beginning our weekly jungle walks and push to improve camp trails.
The fabrics will kill you. So gorgeous you buy them all and suffocate....
Our back patio and new rattan furniture. Handmade by Pak Rizal. So beautiful.
The aforementioned turkey. Turned out well...
Team America International Thankgiving hostesses.